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Saint Joseph - Hessen Cassel

Fort Wayne, Indiana


Jr High Literature and Language Arts (7th)

Welcome to Junior High Language Arts where the focus is on reading and writing. We utilize a trait based classroom to help liven up writing. Through the 6-Traits writing program we work with prompts, creative writing, research, and genre focused materials to focus on story development and delivery of concepts and content. In so doing, we incorporate vocabulary development into our daily writing to ensure maximum exposure. We use cooperative learning to open students up to other points of view and different styles of writing. All of this builds into our use of literary concepts such as plot, point of view, imagery, and so on. By teaching students these concepts in writing it makes it easier for them to identify these and other concepts in their writing. All of this complements our work on reading comprehension and fluency.

Mrs. Terika Mattimore – Language Arts and Literature teacher


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